Stew says “Black Men Ski” response

9 09 2010

My first reaction after watching the clip was that it was an interesting satire on racial stereotypes. The stereotype about black man being involved in any winter sports is fairly common and easy for most people to understand. I think the argument that Stew was trying express concerned black stereotypes as well as a few others. The song started expressing the treatment of black men when they are isolated in a mainly white environment like aspen. As the song progresses you get the understanding that he is trying to express is that your race does not dictate your interests and/or actions.

While the issues Stew was addressing are usually fairly serious, the fact that it was a performance made them easier to digest. While I was reading the comments left for the video, I found that I agreed with Nathan Bedrick’s comments (6th from the top). The audience seemed at times afraid to laugh at some points and when they did, there was a nervous edge to it. If I were to comment on the video, I would have to applaud Stew for addressing these issues, as a black man my self I have had to deal with the assumptions people have made about what my interest were. In the time we live in now, no idea or interest really belongs to any group anymore, information is constantly being exchanged. People no longer live in isolated communities so anyone can take up the interests that they prefer.



One response

9 09 2010

Nabil–you make some great points here. I’m especially glad that you mentioned the audience’s reaction, which definitely did seem nervous. The awkwardness of the atmosphere was almost palpable at times, and usually marked by silence. Assumptions are another major part of creating any sort of argument, which we’ll discuss in class! Nice post.

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